Fill up on cranberry sauce

Diners at this year’s Thanksgiving table may have a further reason to enjoy double helpings of one of nature’s own nutritional supplements – the humble cranberry. Research linking the native North American fruit with protection against urinary tract infections (UTIs) has long been established – something the American Urological Association (AUA) is keen to remind

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The Table Cinnamon Solution

Of course, every diabetic relies on patent medicines, which compounds the problem. Metformin is a huge big-ticket diabetic drug that has serious side effects, including lactic acidosis, a lifethreatening condition caused by the buildup of lactic acid in the blood. Symptoms of lactic acid in the blood are feelings of extreme weakness or lethargy, unusual

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The Shocking Truth About Sugar, Obesity and Your Health

The sugar deception is a great undisclosed health addiction that has wrecked the health of multimillions. Sugar consumption of all types has gone from 7 lbs./person annually in the year 1900 to 220+ lbs./person annually today. This by itself is the foundation of sickness and disease that guarantees conventional medicine perpetual multi-trillion dollar annual profits.

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Syndrome X: The Sugar Disease

Syndrome X — 60 to 75 million Americans have it. According to Dr. Gerald Reaven, who discovered Syndrome X, it is the number one predictor of heart disease. And that good diet prescribed by your cardiologist can be deadly. If you have Syndrome X, carefully dieting to lower your total cholesterol or LDL cholesterol won’t

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Sweetness is Big Money!

Someday Americans will know that sugar in most forms is the foundation of the medical monopoly and trillions in profits from sickness, disease, and death. We are a nation hooked on sugar and burdened with sugar disease, obesity, diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. The public issue is the obesity, disease, and death that begins with

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Stevia: The Safe Natural Sweetener

How can you satisfy your sweet tooth and avoid the dangers of sugar and its evil synthetic cousins? Try stevia. It is up to 300 times sweeter than white sugar (sucrose). It’s all natural. It’s safe. Stevia by law may not be sold in the U.S. as a sweetener or food additive, but can be

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Refined Sugar: Sweet Poison

Refined sugar is lethal when ingested by humans because it only provides what nutritionists describe as empty or naked calories. In addition, sugar is worse than nothing because it drains and leeches the body of precious vitamins and minerals. Sugar is a negative to health and contributes to degenerative disease and death. Sugar ingested every

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Over-the-counter pain meds combo increases your stroke risk! – Issue 50

Dear Health-Conscious Friend, Thousands of Americans are concerned about losing their freedom because of age-related dementia. And it’s a legitimate concern—especially when Alzheimer’s disease is known to be a leading cause of reduced brain function for seniors. In this Monday Edition of Health News Weekly™ , I’ll tell you about how your genes could make

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