Simple Ways to Eliminate Constipation and Cleanse Your Colon

Nearly every man, woman and child living in America today is constipated. Yes, they are constipated whether they know it or not.  And even though your bowels may move regularly every day, you are still constipated. Even people with chronic diarrhea suffer from one form of constipation.

Constipation is a condition in which one’s feces are packed together.  Bowel movements may expel (with lots of strain) very hard feces while at the same time the walls of the colon may be lined with old, hardened feces that stay there for years.

Constipation is so common and has been for so long a time that it is considered normal. The medical profession does not recognize the problem, let alone the public. Constipation means that there is a constant accumulation of poisons in the body giving a sluggish response to life. Mental acuity and clarity of mind begin to deteriorate.

All health practitioners who have made a study of colon health say that a bowel movement after each meal is very desirable for a healthy digestive and excretory system.  Ideally there should be enough moisture in our stools that the entire contents of fecal matter should pass out of the body very quickly within seconds after one sits on the toilet. Anytime it takes 10 minutes or more to complete a bowel movement it’s a sure sign you’re constipated. Plus, a healthy person’s stools will float.

Yes, a bowel movement after every meal means fast transit time of the elimination process and very fast movement of toxins out of the body. The shorter the transit time in the colon, the healthier we are.  The longer material remains in the colon, the more moisture is absorbed from it and the more dry and pressed together it becomes.  Then you experience the build-up of old feces in the pockets of the colon and the small intestines.

Laxatives are not the answer! A laxative does nothing to render stagnant material in the colon free enough to flow out of the body.  Once a laxative has passed through the colon, the bowels will still be just as sluggish as ever. Laxatives do nothing to clean the colon or help it function better. And your body could develop a dependency upon laxatives.

Colon cleansing IS the answer to a clogged colon. To help restore healthy bowel eliminations for a whistle-clean colon, look for amazing digestive nutrients such as cascara sagrada, senna leaf, black walnut bark and slippery elm bark.