Eliminate Your Joint Pain Safely And Effectively

If you experience nagging pain in your shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, hips or knees—you know firsthand how it can ruin your life. Throbbing pain takes the joy out of doing things you love… robs you of a good night’s sleep… and ruins your days with constant discomfort.  Nearly 66 million Americans—about one in three adults—suffer from chronic joint pain whether it’s from poor diet, lack of exercise, obesity or

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The Easiest Way to Sweep Plaque and Toxins from your Bloodstream so You Never Have to Worry About a Heart Disaster

It might surprise you to hear that as early as age 10, you could start to accumulate fat in your arteries. Over the years it continues to build up and by the time you’re 50, your arteries are likely full of thick, sticky plaque and too narrow for optimum blood flow. This leaves you at

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Soothe Your Irritable Bowels With Exercise

More than 30 percent of Americans suffer from chronic abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, diarrhea or heartburn—all symptoms of a disorder called irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). But new findings show simply getting your body moving can help alleviate your worst tummy troubles! According to the International Journal of Sports Medicine, regular exercise can help patients find

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Arthritis Flare-Ups Could Permanently Damage Your Joints!

The symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis can cause uncomfortable aches and pains in your joints. But be aware that what you might consider random flare-ups could result in permanent damage to your knees, hips, hands and feet! New information found in the Archives of Internal Medicine, the Journal of Rheumatology and several leading textbooks on rheumatoid

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The Benefits Of Healthy Vein Support And Circulation

One of the unfortunate drawbacks of aging includes the appearance of distended, unsightly veins, which are caused by dilated blood vessels. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) reports that one out of two people over the age of 50 will experience the effects of visible veins, and they’re more common for women than men. In

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This condition causes MORE liver damage than excess alcohol! – Issue 40

Dear Health-Conscious Friend, You probably know obesity is becoming an epidemic in the United States—and in other countries that adopt Western eating habits. But you might be surprised to learn what British researchers discovered about a new health threat associated with being overweight… Find out what it is—and what you can do to protect yourself

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Health E-Hint: What Your Stomach Troubles REALLY Mean!

If you frequently experience constipation… gas… bloating… indigestion… and persistent fatigue, there’s a chance that the undigested foods in your colon have attracted parasites! And this isn’t just a problem in developing countries! Recent medical studies suggest about 85 percent of Americans are infested with at least one type of parasite! To protect yourself, consider

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