Walking More May Decrease Insulin Sensitivity, Study Finds

Australian researchers have reported that taking more steps each day can significantly reduce insulin sensitivity in middle-aged adults. Their findings appeared in a recent issue of the British Medical Journal. Scientists at the Murdock Children’s Research Institute gave pedometers to more than 500 sedentary men and women, and monitored their walking over a five-year period. The research team

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Crayfish Shells May Contain Highly Absorbable Form Of Calcium

Calcium plays an essential role in blood clotting and bone health. Now, researchers at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, have announced that an easily absorbed and retained form of calcium is available from a rather unexpected place—crustacean shells. In an article published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, the team reported

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Some brain disorders may cause iron issues

Although some people use nutritional health supplements to correct deficiencies in minerals like iron, recent research suggests that some diseases like Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease cause a similar deficiency, but in the brain. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is the human form of mad cow disease, and both work by infecting proteins in the brain, leading to severe brain damage

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Eliminate Your Joint Pain Safely And Effectively

If you experience nagging pain in your shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, hips or knees—you know firsthand how it can ruin your life. Throbbing pain takes the joy out of doing things you love… robs you of a good night’s sleep… and ruins your days with constant discomfort.  Nearly 66 million Americans—about one in three adults—suffer from chronic joint pain whether it’s from poor diet, lack of exercise, obesity or

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Naprapathy can help joint pain

As people get older, it is normal to find yourself feeling aches and pains that you may not have experienced at an earlier age. An article in US News and World Report suggests that a therapy called naprapathy may be just the thing to help ease joint pain, back pain, headaches, knee strain, tennis elbow,

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Tai chi can help prevent falls

The ancient Chinese martial art form tai chi has been practiced for centuries by people who want to balance the body and mind, as well as increase their life energy. Now, new research published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society suggests that this balance-based exercise program could help reduce falls suffered by older

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Statins Can Deplete Your Levels Of This Heart-Healthy Nutrient

Cholesterol-lowering drugs are one of the most over-prescribed drugs on the market today. Statin drugs such as Lipitor®, Pravachol® and Crestor® can significantly deplete your levels of the essential nutrient known as coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). Research shows that these prescription drugs can lower your CoQ10 levels by up to 40 percent. CoQ10, discovered in 1957,

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