Naprapathy can help joint pain

Naprapathy is a lesser-known alternative therapyAs people get older, it is normal to find yourself feeling aches and pains that you may not have experienced at an earlier age.

An article in US News and World Report suggests that a therapy called naprapathy may be just the thing to help ease joint pain, back pain, headaches, knee strain, tennis elbow, sciatica and carpal tunnel syndrome.

Naprapathy was developed in the early 20th century by a doctor who had developed a systemic treatment method to heal damaged connective tissues.

A therapist uses hands-on manipulation, nutritional advice and certain other procedures including heat, ultrasound or cold laser to affect these tissues.

Dr. Paul Maguire, president of the National College of Naprapathic Medicine, told the news provider that patients appreciate how the therapy is “noninvasive.”

“Naprapathy is a gentle system of manipulation that can relieve the pinching of areas causing restriction to nerves,” he said.

If you are considering adding naprapathy to your health resources for easing joint pain, you may want to investigate licensed practitioners in your area.