Potassium Salt Linked To Lower Blood Pressure

Consuming a healthy amount of potassium salts could lower one’s blood pressure, according to findings published in the journal <i>Archives of Internal Medicine.</i> While a combination of healthy diet choices and physical activity proves beneficial for those with high blood pressure, increasing one’s consumption of potassium can also prevent this health problem. During the recent

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Hunters should pay attention to heart health, experts says

As hunters die every year from strenuous exercise and bursts of activity that hunting can bring, the University of Michigan Cardiovascular Center will be hosting an event this month to discuss the risks and preventive measures as the hunting season approaches. According to Dr. Eric Good, a University of Michigan cardiologist, the combination of sitting

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Omega-3 fatty acid deficiency kills 96,000 Americans each year

Omega-3 deficient diets cause up to 96,000 preventable deaths each year in the U.S., a new study has found. Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health examined 12 dietary, lifestyle and metabolic risk factors and found omega-3 fatty acid deficiency ranked as the sixth highest killer of American men and women. They established that

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High Leptin Levels May Prevent Dementia

Scientists have discovered that a protein that controls weight and appetite may also help prevent Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Patients with higher leptin levels had a significantly lower risk of developing the debilitating disorder, according to a study found in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Researchers from the Boston University School of Medicine indicated

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