High Leptin Levels May Prevent Dementia

Scientists are examining leptin's effects on the brainScientists have discovered that a protein that controls weight and appetite may also help prevent Alzheimer’s disease (AD).

Patients with higher leptin levels had a significantly lower risk of developing the debilitating disorder, according to a study found in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Researchers from the Boston University School of Medicine indicated that there is growing evidence to suggest that leptin has beneficial effects on brain development and function, which is what inspired them to conduct their own study.

The scientists measured participants’ leptin levels over a 12-year period. They discovered that patients with higher levels of the protein had a significantly lower risk of developing the brain disease.

“Over a 12-year follow-up, this corresponds to an absolute AD risk of 25 percent for persons with the lowest levels of leptin compared to a six percent risk for persons with the highest levels,” said senior author Dr. Sudha Seshadri.

Some health officials recommend taking such as fish oils or antioxidants to improve cell membranes that may curb Alzheimer’s symptoms.ADNFCR-1960-ID-19524598-ADNFCR