Severe Urinary Tract Infections Linked To Altered Immune System

Prolonged urinary tract infections (UTIs) may be linked to an overreaction by the immune system, according to a study published in the journal PLoS Pathogens. During the first month of the study, a team of investigators monitored the symptoms of mice with UTIs, which included animals that recovered from the infections without being treated. The

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Majority Of Women Receiving Gynecological Surgery Do Not Worry About Sexual Repercussions

For some individuals about to undergo a surgical procedure, the worry of what could happen after the treatment sometimes overshadows the benefits that the procedure can accomplish. According to researchers from Ohio State University, most women who are scheduled to have gynecological surgery to treat noncancerous symptoms do not think about the repercussions the procedure

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European Scientists Say Plant Extract May Treat Air Allergies

Among individuals who take herbal supplements, multivitamins and other all-natural, complementary therapies, there may be good news for those who suffer from seasonal allergies. A team of European immunologists has found that a specially derived plant extract may relieve nasal allergies caused by pollen. The extract in question is called Ze 339, or petasol butenoate

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Children With Severe Food Allergies May Fear For Their Lives At School

A recent survey has determined that children and teens who suffer from severe, food-related allergies may feel that they are in danger at school. Dozens of students interviewed by Canadian researchers indicated that they worried about their schools’ level of knowledge about food allergies, as well as about what administrators had or had not done

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Avoid Overeating By Making Smart Food Choices

With the holidays approaching, you may find it hard to resist many of the treats and heavy meals. But with the right portion control, you can sail through the next two months without worrying about the impact of your diet on your health. According to a study by researchers from Summa Health System in Ohio,

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Sleep On It

There may be several variations of the phrase, but “sleep on it” may actually be helpful advice. According to results published in Psychological Science, people who mentally visualize tasks the night before are more likely to remember and complete them the next day. If you take the time to visualize each task in your mind

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Alcohol Slows Digestion But Doesn’t Cause Indigestion

If you take herbal supplements or over-the-counter tablets as a way to fight indigestion, then the following story may be for you, particularly if you like a glass of beer or wine every now and then. According to research conducted at Switzerland’s University Hospital of Zurich, alcohol may slow digestion, but it doesn’t cause gas,

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Most Postmenopausal Women Do Not Realize They’re More Susceptible To Fractures

For women going through menopause, the risk of osteoporosis can be much greater than with younger women, as the condition can sometimes cause bones to become weaker and more susceptible to breaks and fractures. Although such as vitamin D and calcium may help keep bones strong, postmenopausal women should be acutely aware of their elevated

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