European Scientists Say Plant Extract May Treat Air Allergies

Where does this substance come from? According to the study's authors, they took it directly from the Petzell variety of the Petasites hybridus, otherwise known as the common butterbur.Among individuals who take herbal supplements, multivitamins and other all-natural, complementary therapies, there may be good news for those who suffer from seasonal allergies. A team of European immunologists has found that a specially derived plant extract may relieve nasal allergies caused by pollen.

The extract in question is called Ze 339, or petasol butenoate complex. Scientists found that the compound treats nasal allergies as well as histamine and leukotriene receptor antagonists like desloratadine, which is sold in the U.S. under the brand name Clarinex.

Where does this substance come from? According to the study’s authors, they took it directly from the Petzell variety of the Petasites hybridus, otherwise known as the common butterbur.

The findings, which appear in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, challenge the notion that hay fever and seasonal allergies may only be treated with synthetic compounds. A previous report, published in the journal Headache, had already determined that this extract can reduce the severity of migraines.

Individuals who want to maintain good health in as natural a way as possible may consider taking dietary supplements to give their immune systems adequate doses of key vitamins and minerals.