Alternative medicine found to help treat endometriosis

After reviewing available evidence, Cochrane Researchers have concluded Chinese herbal medicine (CHM) appears to relieve symptoms in women undergoing treatment for endometriosis. The scientists reviewed two studies in which 158 women participated. In one of them, CHM brought about a relief of symptoms comparable to that provided by the hormonal drug gestrinone, but with fewer

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How Can Iron Help With Your Occasional Cough?

If you experience the occasional cough, iron may help more than cough drops or syrups. Italian research has indicated that a deficiency in this mineral may help explain why some otherwise healthy, non-smoking people have bouts of occasional coughs. Caterina Bucca, M.D., and colleagues from the University of Turin presented a study at the scientific

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FDA approves continued use of generic antidepressant drug – despite patient complaints! – Issue 56

Dear Health-Conscious Friend, It is vital for you to take an active role in defending your health. There are many well-intentioned members of the medical establishment who may prescribe drugs to address a specific condition. But some drugs don’t always produce the intended results… In this week’s Monday Edition of Health News Weekly™, you’ll learn

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Changes In Weight May Affect Children’s Body Mass Index

Slight weight changes may alter blood pressure measurements in overweight adolescents, according to a study presented at American Heart Association’s High Blood Pressure Research 2010 Scientific Sessions. Throughout more than 10 years of follow ups, the blood pressure, height and weight was monitored among a total of 1,113 children. The researchers then compared each child’s

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Vitamin D plays role in immunity

A study, set to appear in the November 15 issue of the Journal of Immunology, reports that vitamin D activation, once thought to only occur in the kidneys, also occurs in the lung airway cells aiding in immune defense. Vitamin D has long been known to help in calcium absorption and bone health, but recently

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Maggot larva may be useful in leg ulcer treatment

A clinical trial may lead to the treatment of leg ulcers with maggot larva rather than the more common hydrogel therapy. UK researchers tested the two remedies on 267 patients and followed participants for a year with life questionnaires, clinical observation. They found that leg ulcers, which require the removal of dead tissue from diseased

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Reasons To Kick Your Bad Smoking Habit To The Curb

There are major health conditions that can be caused by smoking, including heart disease, cancer and stroke. But there are many other factors that can be affected by your bad habit. Check out this list from Health magazine: Smoking can affect your circulation. This means less blood flow to your genitals resulting in lower sexual

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