Diet Alone May Not Lead To Weight Loss

Individuals who are concerned about losing weight may not realize that they have to commit to some lifestyle changes in order to see results. According to a new study published in the American Journal of Physiology – Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, researchers have furthered the notion that people who are looking to lose weight

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Make Better Breakfast Choices For All-Day Energy

It’s true that a nutritious breakfast can help give you more energy… reduce your daily caloric intake… and help maintain a healthy weight. A new national study followed the eating habits of 12,000 men and women. The findings show those who ate a low-calorie and low-energy dense breakfast weighed less and had an overall healthier

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Mom was right when it comes to sinus remedies

With fall officially in full swing, many people are heading to the drug store to solve their sinus problems. However, for those who do not want to take conventional drugs, there are natural remedies that many health professionals suggest work just as well. Doctors see over 32 million cases of chronic sinusitis each year according

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Insomnia eased with cognitive behavioral therapy

Some who experience chronic insomnia are caught in a cycle of anxiety caused by a lack of sleep, which then brings on more insomnia. Scientists suggest that cognitive behavioral therapy may help those who have sleep problems and a new study has highlighted how this helped patients, even those suffering from depression or anxiety. Lead

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Flax may have tumor-fighting properties

Including flax in the diet may help prevent colorectal tumors or slow down their growth when they do appear, a new study has found. The research was conducted at South Dakota State University and found mice on diets supplemented with flaxseed oil had, on average, 45 percent fewer tumors in the small intestine and the

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Why Your Diet May Be Linked To Dry Skin

If you are taking supplements like eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), vitamin E and beta-carotene for dry skin—here are some simple dietary suggestions to improve your skin’s moisture: Reduce your fat intake by about 25 percent Eat fish three times a week Limit red meat to no more than twice weekly If you plant to eat out,

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