Home-based psoriasis treatment is safe and effective, researchers say

According to Dutch researchers, home-based ultraviolet B (UVB) therapy for the chronic skin condition called psoriasis is as effective and safe as phototherapy at a hospital. HealthDay, an industry news website, reported that the study, which looked at 196 psoriasis patients, found no evidence that the home method is inferior to the hospital procedure, contrary

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Vitamin A Earns A+ For Role In Human Reproduction

Besides being an integral compound in thousands of vitamin supplements and alternative health remedies, vitamin A supports supports good skin and eye health, as well as ensures efficient genetic transcription. Now, researchers have determined that the nutrient also plays a vital role in the creation of sperm cells. A study appearing in the Journal of

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Avoid Death’s Door With This Potential Lifesaving Heart Nutrient!

Have you read some of the startling side effects of taking cholesterol lowering drugs—or statins? These drugs can destroy your levels of Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), or the super nutrient “energy switch” that sparks all 100 trillion of your body’s cells. Check out some of the research from the world’s top medical schools and journals: The

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