Food Names Can Lead Eaters Astray

Consuming a healthy diet is a critical part of not only maintaining good daily health, but also of potentially avoiding chronic diseases later in life. In this regard, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends eating at least four and a half cups of fruits and vegetables each month.

Many dieters may have trouble with what a cup of certain kinds of produce looks like. What does a cup of salad consist of? This is one reason the agency has included a helpful outline on its website. However, recent research has suggested that many Americans also have almost no idea what a “salad” is.

A study published in the Journal of Consumer Research found that many adults are routinely misled by dish names. For instance, plenty of restaurants offer “salads” that consist almost entirely of meat, cheese and breading. Likewise, some products, like “veggie chips” or “smoothies,” contain little in the way of nutritive vegetables or fruits.

In order to keep the body healthy in the face of pervasive marketing schemes, it may be helpful to take herbal supplements or dietary supplements. In both cases, individuals can boost their nutrient levels without consuming unnecessary fats or sugars.