Acupuncture, Exercise May Help Ease Hormone Disorder

Numerous studies have suggested that acupuncture may reduce pain, aches, tension or stress. Now, a report from the University of Gothenberg, Sweden, has determined that the ancient alternative remedy may partially treat women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). A study published in the American Journal of Physiology – Endocrinology and Metabolism found that four months

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A new tool in the fight against cholesterol

New research suggests flaxseed may help improve cholesterol. A study appearing in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition finds people who took one tablespoon of whole flaxseed everyday were able to reduce both their total cholesterol and their LDL, or bad, cholesterol levels. Flaxseed oil, in comparison, did not produce the same results. Women, particularly

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The Health Dangers Of Calcium Deficiency

Calcium is one of the most important minerals for your body and bones. This essential strength-building nutrient helps your muscles contract… maintain proper blood vessel function… secrete hormones and enzymes… and send messages through your central nervous system. But that’s not all that calcium can provide for your continued health. Various medical journals and studies

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Study suggests too much vitamin A can be harmful

A vitamin A deficiency or overdose can be extremely dangerous, according to a new study. Researchers say the nutrient plays a crucial role in energy production within cells and that too much or too little can have a complex negative effect on the body. “Although vitamin A deficiency is not very common in our society,

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Study sheds new light on the role of zinc in immunity

Although the role of zinc in fighting infections has long been known, new research has uncovered some of the mechanisms by which it boosts the immune system. Researchers from the Center for Nutritional Sciences at the University of Florida conducted a test in healthy volunteers divided into a group which took nutritional supplements containing zinc

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