Study: Garlic Could Help Protect Against Cancer

Garlic consumption may lead to a lower risk of cancerAlthough there are certain such as vitamins A and E have been shown to help keep cancer at bay, a new study is suggesting that garlic consumption may also play a role in preventing the disease.

According to researchers from Ohio State University, the more garlic people consumed, the lower the levels of a potential carcinogenic process (or cancer development) were. This indicates that individuals may want to add more of the spice to their daily intake.

By studying the bodily process that is associated with the development of cancer cells, it was found that individuals who consumed a high amount of garlic were at a lower risk for developing the potentially deadly disease.

The researchers noted that although there needs to be further evidence to suggest that this could serve as an effective treatment, too much garlic consumption will not be detrimental to anyone’s health.

“So if you like garlic and you like garlic-containing foods, go out and have as much as you want,” said the study’s lead investigator, Earl Harrison. “There’s no indication it’s going to hurt you, and it may well help you.”ADNFCR-1960-ID-19644196-ADNFCR