The Benefits Of Healthy Vein Support And Circulation

One of the unfortunate drawbacks of aging includes the appearance of distended, unsightly veins, which are caused by dilated blood vessels. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) reports that one out of two people over the age of 50 will experience the effects of visible veins, and they’re more common for women than men.

In fact, the NIH reveals there are various forms of distended or engorged veins that can occur in areas throughout the body. The Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine indicates they may be visible just under the surface of the skin as swollen, twisted clusters of blue or purple veins. Other types of visible veins may be thin red capillaries that branch out from the main veins.

Fortunately, there are many natural methods for supporting vascular health and easing the appearance of unsightly, distended veins. The NIH recommends these helpful tips to keep your veins and arteries healthy and flowing freely:

  • Exercise regularly with low-impact activities such as walking, swimming or biking, which can all help improve circulation.
  • Wear loose clothing to prevent circulation interruption. Specially designed stockings and socks can also be worn to help boost vascular health.
  • Elevate your legs after long periods of standing or sitting.
  • Promote healthy circulation when sitting by placing your feet firmly on the floor. By crossing your legs for extended periods or dangling your lower legs you risk cutting off your circulation.
  • Maintain a healthy weight to avoid added pressure on your legs.

One surprising natural remedy for unsightly, distended veins may be increased consumption of pineapple and its juice. This fruit contains high levels of the enzyme bromelain that can help reduce inflammation, promote normal fluid distribution in the body, and support integrity of your veins and vessels, according to Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.