Blood Clot Hotspots May Vary In Gender

A new study is suggesting that different extra fat locations may lead to dangerous blood clots for men and women. According to research in the Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association, extra pounds could result in blood clots. However, the locations are different depending on the gender. It was found that men have a

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Consuming Pecans Daily Could Protect Against Nervous System Degeneration

A new study has found that pecans may help prevent damage to the nervous system, according to findings published in Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research. A team of researchers from the University of Massachusetts in Lowell conducted a study in which they fed mice three diets – two that contained different servings of pecans and

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Herbal supplements show promise against prostate cancer

Herbal supplements containing red clover may have a beneficial effect on DHEA levels and help reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer, according to new research. Findings published in Cancer Prevention Research suggest that these herbal supplements may have preventive effects, but scientists caution that more research is needed. Julia Arnold of the National Center

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Sexual activity later in life ‘flushes out toxins’

Men who are sexually active in their 50s may be at a reduced risk of developing prostate cancer, new research suggests. Scientists at the University of Nottingham propose that having an active sex life, which may include intercourse or masturbation, helps remove toxins from the body. The researchers followed approximately 400 men who had been

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Research touts benefits of vegetarian diet

Vegetarian diets, if properly executed, can be healthy and in fact protect against chronic diseases in infants and elderly alike, researches have said. The recommendations have come from the American Dietetic Association, which has released an updated position paper on vegetarian diets that appears in the July issue of the Journal of the American Dietetic

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Inflammation linked to obesity

A so-called master switch of inflammation may play a part in determining whether a person becomes obese, new research suggests. In a mouse study, scientists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of California-San Diego looked at how the process of overeating affects the brain. The findings, published in the journal Cell, reveal that

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Scientists: Circadian rhythm influences memory

The state of a person’s internal body clock may play a strong role in their ability to learn and remember information, researchers claim. A team at Stanford University studied the behavior of a group of hamsters whose circadian system had been disabled. They found that the animals were unable to remember aspects of their environment,

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Resveratrol may prevent build-up of liver fat

An antioxidant known as resveratrol – available in the form of nutritional supplements, as well as in certain foods – could help prevent fat from building up in the livers of alcoholics, new research suggests. The findings, published in the American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology, could lead to a new treatment for a

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Tea may lessen risk of stroke

Here is another reason to consider increasing your intake of either green or black tea: scientists have linked the consumption of three cups a day to a reduced risk of stroke. Researchers at UCLA looked at a number of studies that had explored the connection between drinking tea and suffering a stroke. Their analysis concluded

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