Consuming Pecans Daily Could Protect Against Nervous System Degeneration

Consuming Pecans Daily Could Protect Against Nervous System DegenerationA new study has found that pecans may help prevent damage to the nervous system, according to findings published in Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research.

A team of researchers from the University of Massachusetts in Lowell conducted a study in which they fed mice three diets – two that contained different servings of pecans and the third a control diet. The animals used during this study were genetically altered to have signs of nervous system degeneration.

Before and after eating the dietary regimens, the motor neuron functions were examined in each group.

The results of the study showed that the mice fed the diet containing the most pecans performed the best during tests compared to the control group. The mice that were given the other pecan diet also recorded better results during tests than the group who weren’t fed the nuts.

Thomas B. Shea, director of the Center for Cellular Neurobiology and Neurodegeneration Research from the school, stated that “these findings suggest regular consumption of pecans may provide significant nutritive and antioxidant benefits for your body.”

These findings may benefit individuals who are looking for a natural alternative treatment for Lou Gehrig’s disease, as it was recently reported by Teva Pharmaceutical Industries that experimental medications have yet to produce positive results in clinical trials.ADNFCR-1960-ID-19833629-ADNFCR