Improved Cardiovascular Equipment May Better Detect Heart Failure

Improved Cardiovascular Equipment May Better Detect Heart FailureThe use of advanced cardiac technology may help physicians better detect signs of heart failure in patients, according to a study published in the American Journal of Emergency Medicine.

The most common technique to do so is with a stethoscope, which allows healthcare professionals to determine if an individual has developed an S3. This acronym refers to an irregular sound in the heart’s rhythm, which can be a sign of cardiovascular disease or failure of the organ.

However, the low frequency of this pitch leaves many patients misdiagnosed. In order to improve heart failure diagnosis, researchers analyzed the results of the Heart failure and Audicor technology for Rapid Diagnosis and Initial Treatment (HEARD-IT) at nine different emergency rooms.

The team found that physicians who used the enhanced medical equipment were 22 percent more likely to diagnose a patient with heart failure. Also, individuals in need of treatment for cardiovascular complications were able to receive more extensive treatments faster.

Sean Collins, lead author of the trial, stated that these findings prove that “we need to get better at listening for the S3, and this study would suggest that if we don’t hear it with our ears, that technology like this might be useful.”

Individuals who would like to improve their heart health and prevent cardiovascular disease should consider exercising and supplementing their diet with omega-3 fatty acids.ADNFCR-1960-ID-19924272-ADNFCR