Molecular Discovery In Cranberry Juice May Lead To Improved Urinary Tract Infection Prevention

 Molecular Discovery In Cranberry Juice May Lead To Improved Urinary Tract Infection PreventionA new study has found the molecular composition in cranberry juice that protects the body against urinary tract infections (UTIs), according to findings published in Molecular Nutrition and Food Research.

During a recent trial, researchers from Worcester Polytechnic Institute used E. coli bacteria in order to discover what makes cranberry juice potent against UTIs. The team used a certain form of the bacteria proven to attach to the urinary tract lining, and if it reproduces enough damaging cells, it can lead to infection.

The results of the study showed that introducing E. coli cells to cranberry juice weakened the bacteria, and prevented furthere infection. Also, the researchers discovered the higher concentration of cranberry juice exposed to the bacteria, the more urine flow could remove the cells from the tract lining.

In addition to drinking cranberry juice, which contains high levels of antioxidants, healthcare experts recommend adding other foods enriched with these compounds to one’s diet. Researchers at the University of Maryland Medical Center suggest blueberries, cherries, squash and bell peppers can all help alleviate the symptoms and prevent urinary tract infections.ADNFCR-1960-ID-19897614-ADNFCR