Study: Protein May Help You Live Longer

Red meat such as steak is one way to get proteinGood news for those who can’t seem to cut calories, by balancing your protein intake, you may have a longer lifespan.

Protein, which can either be found in natural supplements or food, may have more health benefits than dieting, according to a study from Wellcome Trust.

While dietary restrictions may help some people lose weight, there is no clear indication whether or not it helps humans live longer.

The researchers studied fruit flies to determine the benefits of protein. The flies were fed yeast, sugar and water, and the scientists would alter the vitamins, lipids and amino acids.

It was found that only when the amino acids, which are found in protein, were altered that there was a change in lifespan and fertility, leading researchers to believe that a healthy protein intake may help contribute to a long lifespan for humans.

“This indicates that it is possible to extend lifespan without wholesale dietary restriction and without the unfortunate consequence of lowering reproductive capacity,” wrote on of the study’s authors, Dr. Matthew Piper.ADNFCR-1960-ID-19494866-ADNFCR