Exercise May Help Improve Women’s Sex Drive

Exercises such as yoga may boost women's sex driveFor women who find themselves lacking a sex drive, it may be best to avoid pharmaceutical drugs as there are safer and more natural approaches to treating the libido.

Usnews.com reports that some pharmaceutical products may be going too far when promoting their urgency. A study found in Obstetrics and Gynecology found that while 40 percent of women complain of a low libido, only 12 percent are bothered by it.

Drugs may also have unwanted side effects, such as unwanted facial hair growth and a possible increased risk of breast cancer. Which is why the Mayo Clinic suggests that such as ginko biloba may help.

However, there are natural ways to treat a low libido, and some offer other health benefits as well.

Aerobic exercise not only is a mood booster, but also improves blood flow to sex organs. However, it should be done in moderation as over exercising may lower testosterone levels.

Relaxing through yoga will negate the stress that affects the libido. Even 15 minutes of relaxing a day could show an improvement.ADNFCR-1960-ID-19450961-ADNFCR