Individuals who are experiencing severe lower back pain may be able to reduce their discomfort by using certain exercise therapy techniques that could help them work their sore muscles.
According to a new study published in the Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine, an exercise machine that is designated specifically for lower back muscles could potentially be the solution for the discomfort.
Researchers found that a patient must bring endurance back to the muscle in order to experience a physiological change that will help the muscle regain its strength. The scientists used healthy subjects who ranged in age from 18 to 65 to complete various exercises.
They found that by changing the distribution of muscle use, patients were less likely to stress their lower back, which can often happen when one puts too much pressure on it without proper stretching.
“Thanks to this technique, we can target tired muscles which arent yet showing a decrease in strength,” said researcher, Christian Larivi?re.
Individuals experiencing muscle pain may want to consider such as vitamin B12 to treat the problem.