Drinking beetroot may help you exercise longer

Drinking beetroot may help you exercise longer Those who suffer from sore and painful muscles after exercising may find relief and a boost by drinking beetroot juice, a study has found.

British researchers at the University of Exeter conducted research which suggests drinking beetroot extract can help boost stamina and help some people to exercise up to 16 percent longer.

The study suggests the extract helps reduce oxygen uptake, a major factor behind muscle fatigue, most likely as a result of nitrate in the juice turning to nitric oxide in the body which lowers the amount of oxygen required by muscle cells to perform energy-intensive tasks.

“Our study is the first to show that nitrate-rich food can increase exercise endurance,” says Professor Andy Jones of the University of Exeter’s School of Sport and Health Sciences.

“I am also keen to explore the relevance of the findings to those people who suffer from poor fitness and may be able to use dietary supplements to help them go about their daily lives,” he adds.

Those who engage in regular exercise may also benefit from nutritional supplements with iron and magnesium.