Treating varicose veins naturally

Treating varicose veins naturallyVaricose veins present significant aesthetic challenges and can have long-term health complications. However, some natural health resources have been shown to have beneficial effects.

Many natural therapies work by strengthening veins, which reduces leakage from vessel walls.

Some sufferers may therefore benefit from muscle-toning moderate exercise regimes or yoga to help veins preserve their natural shape. The cholesterol-lowering effects of exercise may act to boost vein health from within.

Among herbal remedies, the horse chestnut extract is the most commonly used to treat varicose veins.

According to, an informational website, studies have shown the active component in horse chestnut called aescin appears to block the release of enzymes that damage capillary walls.

Other natural remedies include grape seed and pine bark extracts which contain antioxidant complexes that appear to strengthen the connective tissue of blood vessels and reduce inflammation.

Diet can also go a long way towards preventing or helping to mitigate the consequences of varicose veins. Holistic Online, a natural health website, recommends eating whole foods, including fresh fruits, whole grains especially buckwheat and millet, garlic, onions, ginger, and cayenne pepper as well as fish.

Meanwhile, foods to avoid include red meat, fats and refined carbohydrates as well as sugar, salt, alcohol, cheeses and ice cream.

Treatments such as acupuncture and acupressure can help prevent varicose veins form getting worse, while reflexology and massage may alleviate discomfort associated with the condition.