Diabetes Cases May Double by 2034, Treatment Costs to Triple

Doctors may see an increase in diabetes patients in the futureA recent study concluded that costs for diabetic treatment could triple by 2034. According to research found in Diabetes Care, diabetic cases across the United States will double to 44.1 million in the next 25 years, and costs for treatment will be upwards of $336 billion. Those who are at risk for developing the blood sugar disease may want to start taking natural remedies such as ginseng and magnesium to help reduce the severity of their symptoms. Additionally, medicare spending on diabetes will increase to $171 billion from $45 billion in the same time period.

Several studies before this have predicted similar trends, showing that diabetic cases have increased around 4 million every six years.

The researchers indicate that this trend is in large part due to the “baby boomers” who will be reaching retirement age, developing diabetes complications and will be eligible for federal insurance. The study points out the importance of finding cost-effective treatments to help keep the budget in check.

“If we don’t change our diet and exercise habits or find new, more effective and less expensive ways to prevent and treat diabetes, we will find ourselves in a lot of trouble as a population,” said the study’s lead author Dr. Elbert Huang.ADNFCR-1960-ID-19486573-ADNFCR