Study: Sugary Raisin Cereals Contribute to the Acidity in Dental Plaque

Sugary raisin cereals can increase plaque acidityAlthough some people may feel that raisins in cereal may be nutritious, a new study suggests that the sugars that come with them could increase the acidity of dental plaque, creating decay.

Researchers from the University of Illinois determined that added dental plaque acid can contribute to a higher risk of developing cavities. However, it was noted that cereals that feature raisins without the added sugars do not produce any greater risk of cavities than plain cereal.

Scientists provided four kinds of food – raisins, bran flakes, commercial raisin bran cereal and a mixture of raisins and bran flakes with no added sugar. Participants chewed each food group for two minutes and then swallowed.

It was found that there a “danger zone of dental plaque acidity” when consuming commercially marketed raisin bran cereal as opposed to all of the other food groups. Eating this kind of cereal could potentially increase the amount of acidity in plaque, leaving individuals susceptible to cavities.

When there is no added sugar, raisins can serve as for digestion.ADNFCR-1960-ID-19569294-ADNFCR