Cirrhosis can affect bone strength

Strengthen bones with vitamin DResearch has shown that vitamin D can help strengthen bones because it promotes calcium absorption. However, patients who suffer from long-term liver disease or cirrhosis experience decreased bone strength, a new study reveals.

An article soon to appear in the World Journal of Gastroenterology indicates that individuals with cirrhosis had more fragile bones while they experienced low bone formation, were generally underweight and deficient in vitamin D.

In fact, global studies reveal that the fracture risk can be anywhere from 11 to 48 percent in those with cirrhosis.

Vitamin D does not only promote bone strength but it can help those who live with diabetes. A team from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis found that diabetics who do not have enough of this nutritional supplement experience problems with the way they process cholesterol.

To promote bone strength, individuals should consider taking nutritional supplements with vitamin D but also trying the alkaline diet. This eating plan focuses on the consumption of fresh fruits, vegetables, tubers and legumes to keep bones healthy.