Controlling and Managing Allergy Symptoms – Issue 07

Dear Health-Conscious Friend,

ACHOO! Geshundheit! With the summer in full swing—you’re likely to hear those expressions quite often.

In today’s Monday Edition of Health News Weekly™, I’ll give you some helpful hints for controlling and managing allergy symptoms.

You’ll also find out which common over-the-counter drugs can almost DOUBLE your risk of hip fracture…

…plus you’ll discover an amazing—yet simple remedy to stop bones loss as you get older.

So let’s get started!

How to Survive the Season for Sneezin’!

Tonia Beverly, Contributing Editor

Pollen… pet dander… mold… peanuts… these common triggers can cause sneezing, itchy eyes and a runny nose. The floral beauty of the spring and summer season can bring a lot of misery for allergy sufferers!

According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, about 50 million Americans suffer from various allergies. When you have an allergy and come in contact with a trigger—your immune system produces antibodies and chemicals to fight the foreign substance. This battle is what causes the sneezing, congestion and other symptoms.

Experts are unsure about the cause of allergies. Genetics do come into play. There’s a 1 in 3 chance that a person develops the allergy of one parent. The odds increase if both parents have allergies!

What’s more, if you’re exposed to substances when your immune system is weak, you could later develop allergies to those triggers.

There’s no known cure for allergies. But here are some helpful hints for controlling your allergies and treating the symptoms:

Avoid known triggers—Determine exactly what you’re allergic to and avoid contact with that trigger if possible.

Medication—Over-the-counter and prescription antihistamines, decongestants or anti-inflammatory medicines can provide some relief. A nasal wash can also help prevent germs from entering your body.

Allergy shots—You may need allergy shots if regular medicines don’t help. Doctors provide shots with small doses of the allergen to lessen your sensitivity. Be aware that shots don’t work on all people or for all allergies.

Air filters—Some folks recommend using HEPA air filters to whisk away airborne allergens such as pet dander. Many vacuum cleaners use the same kind of filters to eliminate excess dust from the air.

Mattress and pillow dust covers—Studies show these tightly woven covers can help people who are sensitive to dust mites. But they don’t provide relief from other allergens such as pollen.

The best way to find out what will work for you is to be tested to find out what causes your allergic reactions. This can help you stay armed and ready to contend with the ‘sneezing season’!

Heartburn Helpers May Harm Healthy Hip Bones!

Roz Roscoe, Staff Writer

If you’re one of the millions of people taking prescription drugs like Nexium®, Prevacid® and Prilosec® to fight heartburn—a study linking these drugs to an increased risk of hip fractures is stomach-churning news!

According to a study published in the December 27, 2006 Journal of the American Medical Association, long-term use of the class of heartburn drugs known as “proton pump inhibitors” can raise the risk of hip fractures in people over 50.

The study included medical data from more than 145,000 patients in England, where a large electronic database of records is available for research. The average age of the patients was 77.

Researchers found that patients using proton pump inhibitors for more than a year had a 44 percent higher risk of experiencing a hip fracture than non-users. What’s more, scientists found that the longer patients took the drugs… the higher their risk of experiencing hip fractures!

Study co-author Dr. Yu-Xio Yang, of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, said for every 336 elderly patients treated for more than a year with high doses of these drugs, one extra hip fracture each year could be associated with extended drug use.

The reason for the increased risk? Scientists concluded that in addition to reducing stomach acids, these powerful heartburn drugs also make it more difficult for the body to absorb calcium. And calcium is a vital component of strong, healthy bones…

Fight Bone Loss—and Avoid Harmful Hip Fractures!

The U.S. Surgeon General says bone disease is a growing public health crisis. In the 2004 report Bone Health and Osteoporosis: A Report of the Surgeon General, Dr. Richard Carmona revealed that a startling 10 million Americans over age 50 have osteoporosis. Another 34 million have low bone mass—which eventually leads to osteoporosis.

These bone diseases are the main reason why 1.5 million Americans suffer painful and costly bone fractures each year. Dr. Carmona warned these numbers could double or triple in the next 20 years!

Such alarming statistics are largely due to a widespread calcium deficiency in the American diet. As you age, your body becomes less efficient at absorbing calcium. In general, older adults should take in between 1,000 to 1,500 mg of calcium every day.

However, postmenopausal women and older men need even more calcium. The U.S. National Institutes of Health recommendation for pre- and post-menopausal women who take estrogen therapy is 1,200 mg of calcium each day.

The truth is most Americans consume only half the recommended daily calcium requirement. If you don’t get enough calcium in your diet, your body starts to withdraw calcium from your BONES!

Because your body cannot produce calcium, one way to ensure you get enough is to eat foods rich in calcium, such as:

  • Dairy products—low-fat or nonfat milk, cheese, and yogurt
  • Dark leafy green vegetables—spinach, collard greens, and broccoli
  • Almonds
  • Fish-sardines and canned salmon with bones
  • Foods fortified with calcium—including orange juice, cereal, and breads

An easy way to enjoy the bountiful benefits of calcium—and to ensure its maximum absorption in your body—is to take a Vitamin D enriched calcium supplement. Vitamin D helps your body absorb the calcium it needs to control bone loss.

Don’t allow prescription heartburn drugs to rob your bones of needed strength! You can build a ‘skeleton of steel’—and protect yourself from brittle bones—by boosting your calcium intake. It just might prevent you from suffering a painful hip fracture and loss of freedom!

Fast Fact

Listerine therapy for toenail fungus: Get rid of unsightly toenail fungus by soaking your toes in Listerine mouthwash. The powerful antiseptic leaves your toenails looking healthy again.

Health E-Hints

The “Do-It-Yourself” Approach to a Clean Colon

If you’ve thought about consulting a medical specialist to give your insides a thorough scrubbing—the word from your colon is “hold on, I can do it myself!”

Mayo Clinic gastroenterologist, Michael Picco, M.D. says that while some doctors may recommend colon cleansing to prepare for a medical exam, most don’t recommend the procedure for improving health or preventing disease. Dr. Picco said many folks believe colon cleansing removes toxins… boosts energy levels… and improves their immune systems. But, he points out, special diets or pills aren’t necessary because:

  • Your colon is designed to NATURALLY eliminate waste and bacteria, and
  • Some colon-cleansing programs can upset your body’s fluid and electrolyte balance. This can cause dehydration and salt depletion.
  • Plus, long-term colon cleansing programs can lead to anemia… malnutrition… and even heart failure!

A simple way to prevent constipation—without colon cleansing—is to drink plenty of water. Combined with a fiber-rich diet, you’ll help your colon respond naturally to eliminate harmful toxins.