Alternative Therapy Treatments Increase With Wealth And Age

Acupuncture was one of the common treatments soughtSome individuals are not too keen on using prescription medication for ailments as they can sometimes lead to harmful side effects that could be worse than the initial problem.

A new study suggests that this notion increases as a patient gets older and richer, according to researchers from the University of Michigan Health System. The scientists discovered that one out of every three patients studied had sought out alternative health resources as a treatment for chronic pain as opposed to prescription drugs.

The study’s lead author, Carmen R. Green, M.D., pointed out that alternative medicine gains popularity among individuals with higher education levels and income. He believes one of the factors for this could be the insurance coverage that these individuals receive.

However, researchers are quick to point out that individuals who are using alternative therapies should consult with their physicians to make sure the treatment does not affect the outcome of any diagnosis.

“Unfortunately patients are often reluctant to share information regarding alternative therapy usage with health care providers, but discussions and awareness of alternative therapy use in pain patients may improve the quality of pain care and patient safety,” Green said.ADNFCR-1960-ID-19751842-ADNFCR