Teeth-Bleaching Compound May Improve Dental Health In Special Needs, Elderly Patients

Carbamide peroxide, a tooth-whitening compound, may improve oral hygiene in elderly and special needs patients, according to a study published in the Journal of the American Dental Association. While standard dental treatments, such as teeth brushing and flossing, may be easier for most patients to follow, these tasks may be challenging for individuals with mental

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Little Association Between Consumption Of Fruits And Vegetables And Cancer Prevention

While it is believed a proper diet has a sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables in it, a new study shows that there is a small association between the high consumption of fruits and vegetables and reducing the overall risk of cancer. An article published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, analyzed data

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Fast Fact: The color of your food could have an impact on your health…

A simple change in the color of your foods and beverages could make a big impact on your health, according to dietician Julie Upton. “The pigments that give plants their color also provide the antioxidants that protect against heart disease, inflammation and certain cancers.” Try swapping your white grapefruit juice for pink. Or eat more

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Eczema Strongly Linked To Food Allergies, Scientist Reports

A professor at Oregon Health and Science University recently told colleagues that his research indicates that eczema may often proceed food allergies, rather being caused by them. Dermatologist Jon Hanifin addressed other specialists at the annual conference of the American Academy of Dermatology. He noted that food allergies are roughly three times as common as

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HRT linked to brain shrinkage among older women

Hormone replacement therapy has already been connected to an increased risk of cardiovascular problems among older women – now, a new study suggests a link to brain shrinkage as well. Findings from the Women’s Health Initiative Memory study indicate that estrogen-based treatments raise an older woman’s chances of developing dementia or suffering cognitive decline. The

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Health E-Hint: Eating Whole Grains May Cut Weight Gain!

If you’re a dieter prone to carb cravings that just won’t quit—here’s some GREAT news for you. A recent study found that whole grains just might help you fight fat! Researchers at Pennsylvania State University said study participants who followed a weight loss program which included whole grain breads, cereals and other foods lost more

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Fast Fact: Fight Wrinkles and Dry Skin with this Vitamin…

Healthy foods can help satisfy and nourish you&mdashboth inside and out. According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C can help fight wrinkles and age-related dry skin. Try this smoothie mask: Blend one cup of strawberries, raspberries or blueberries, with one cup plain or vanilla yogurt and 1

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