Mad Cow Disease vs. Heart Disease: What’s Your Risk?

Many diseases are more prevalent than others, but in today’s world of processed foods… dangerous toxins… airborne contaminants and prescription medication dangers… which diseases carry the greatest risk for you and your family? According to, there are many fears that can be put to rest simply by reviewing the facts. You have about a

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Study finds stress doesn’t cause depression

A new study has disproved the theory that depression may be caused by stress. Researchers used rats bred to be severely depressed to study brain’s response to stress. After exposing the animals to chronic stress for two weeks, they compared changes in the genes commonly associated with depression with the stress-related genes. The study’s author,

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Secondhand smoke linked to memory problems

Passive smoke exposure may increase a person’s risk of developing dementia, according to the findings of a new study. Researchers at Peninsula Medical School, the University of Cambridge and the University of Michigan say their study is the first to suggest secondhand smoke may lead to cognitive problems in non-smoking adults. The scientists used the

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Researchers Discover Marker for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Researchers have discovered a biomarker for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) by measuring magnetic fields in the brain. Using a group of 74 military veterans, scientists from the University of Minnesota and Minneapolis VA Medical Center found a way to diagnose the disorder through magnetoencephalography (MEG), which measures magnetic fields in the brain. The nutritional supplement

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Researchers Find Dark Chocolate Could Be A Treatment For Patients With Liver Disease

Individuals who are suffering from liver cirrhosis may soon be finding their physicians prescribing them dark chocolate, as a new study suggests the snack offers health benefits that can help treat the disease. According to research presented at the International Liver CongressTM 2010, eating dark chocolate can help reduce damage to blood vessels in cirrhotic

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Blueberries found to inhibit tumor growth

Nutritional supplements containing blueberry extract may have the potential to shrink tumors in babies and young children, new research suggests. Scientists at Ohio State University studied the effect of blueberry extract on mice with blood vessel tumors. The study, published in Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, shows that compounds in blueberries may be able to diminish

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