Let color be your guide for heart health

It has long been known the diet plays a significant role in the health of your cardiovascular system. Writing in the Coloradoan, dietician Shirley Perryman of Colorado State University explains how eating highly colorful foods can help people include valuable heart-healthy nutrients and vitamins in their diet. “Color is often an indication of different phytonutrients,

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Advancement Made In Developing Non-Invasive Gum Disease Diagnostic Test

Fluid produced in the gums may lead to the development of non-invasive tests to diagnosing gum disease, according to a study published in the Journal of Proteome Research. A team of researchers have found that the newly discovered gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) builds up where inflammation between the teeth and gums occurs. Since taking samples

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Pregnant Women May Want to Look for Alternative Treatment for Urinary Tract Infections

For pregnant women experiencing urinary tract infections, it may be a good idea to look into alternative medicine as a recent study found that certain antibiotics might increase the risk of birth defects. Alternative treatments for urinary tract infection include herbal supplements made from cranberries, blueberries and uva urasi according to mothernature.com. Acupuncture is also

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Sodium In Urine Is Linked To Greater Risk Of Poor Heart Health

Individuals who take dietary supplements, eat a healthy diet, exercise and watch their sodium levels may find a recent study, conducted by Belgian researchers, interesting. The report, which was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, found that low levels of sodium in the urine are not associated with better cardiac health. On

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Protein research continues for blood sugar changes during exercise

When people run, lift weights or do other forms of exercise, their bodies’ blood sugar is affected as glucose is rushed to the muscles to use as energy. Along with exercise, insulin is the other main trigger for glucose delivery, and now scientists are looking at proteins that stimulate glucose transport during exercise to find

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Skipping breakfast results in greater food craving, researchers believe

Scientist are beginning to understand the mechanism which drives people who do not eat breakfast to overcompensate later in the day, which may lead to a weight gain. A team from Imperial College London studied 20 non-obese people who were asked to skip breakfast before they underwent a functional MRI exam, according to WebMD.com. The

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