Engage In Conversations

There are more ways for people to engage in conversations, reconnections and everyday communications through social media outlets such as Facebook, MySpace and Twitter. Can this be good for your health? Yes! Research shows that connections with others can help you feel less lonely and less stressed. It can also help open your mind about

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Grape seed extract effective against leukemia cells

A recent body of research has focused on the anti-cancer potential of natural compounds, with some scientists suggesting that a further generation of nutritional supplements could be devised to fight disease. Now, a study from the University of Kentucky demonstrates that grape seed extract can effectively force leukemia cells in a laboratory to kill themselves.

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Soyfoods provide nutrition on a budget

Recent research indicates that while Americans may hope to eat more healthily, some end up with a poor diet due to their worries about food costs. According to the 2009 Consumer Attitudes about Nutrition survey, 87 percent of Americans pay attention to the nutritional content of their foods, but some try to hold back on

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Meditation ‘could help ease symptoms of attention disorders’

Those who are uncomfortable with the idea of medicating children with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder may want to look at alternative treatments – such as meditation. According to research published in the online journal Current Issues in Education, transcendental meditation showed promise for improving the stress and anxiety levels of ADHD sufferers. “The effect

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Slow Blood Flow Could Lead to Alzheimer’s!

A new research study suggests that if blood flow to your brain decreases, you could develop Alzheimer’s disease—the most prevalent, but incurable form of dementia. Robert Vassar, M.D., and colleagues at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine studied human and mice brains and found that a reduction in blood flow to the brain caused energy

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Heart Health And Your Personality

Think there’s not a link between your heart health and your personality? Studies conducted at Tilburg University in the Netherlands show that chronically stressed out patients had a higher risk of heart attack. In fact, results indicate those with a history of heart disease who are classified as Type D (distressed) personalities are four times

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Mood Disorder Patients At Higher Risk Of Weight Gain, Cancer And Cardiovascular Complications

Patients with depression or similar mood disorders may consider following a healthier diet, according to a study published in the American Journal of Public Health. This is because research has found that individuals with depression commonly experience abdominal obesity, which can lead to higher risks of being diagnosed with cancer and cardiovascular disease. In an

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Intestinal Bacteria May Increase Risk Of Hereditary Bowel Disorder

Certain intestinal bacteria may increase the risk of developing irritable bowel disease (IBD) among those with a family history of the illness, according to findings published in the journal Cell. During a recent study, a team of researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health used an animal model to determine which microbes, or damaging

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