How To Recognize The Signs And Symptoms Of Prostate Problems

It’s embarrassing. It’s annoying. It’s exasperating. And it’s controllable. We’re talking about the distressing inconvenience of the side effects associated with prostate problems. This often means midnight treks to the bathroom to pee, pain when you start and end urination and dribbling when you’re done. It can be frustrating when nothing you do seems to help, no matter how careful you try to be. The key to

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Vitamin E May Help Improve Liver Health

Taking vitamin supplements is an efficient way to get one’s daily recommended dose of crucial compounds, like the complex of nutrients known collectively as vitamin E. Not only is it a powerful antioxidant, but vitamin E may be able to mitigate the effects of a particular liver disease among children and some adults. A study

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The potential of pectin revealed

The role of pectin – a complex carbohydrate found in all fruits and vegetables – in fighting off deadly diseases such as cancer has been further elucidated by new research. Scientists at the Institute of Food Research in the UK analyzed the composition of pectin and discovered that sugars within the carbohydrate bind to a

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Red wine may help prevent Alzheimer’s

Experts have long recommended red wine as one of the health resources that could play a role in preventing heart disease. Now, scientists at UCLA and Mt. Sinai School of Medicine are suggesting that naturally occurring compounds in red wine may aid the prevention of some tumors and even Alzheimer’s disease. Findings published in the

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Researchers look inside arteries to examine how carbs can affect heart health

Israeli scientists have demonstrated how carbohydrate-rich foods – such as bread or cornflakes – can increase the risk for heart disease. The study was conducted by specialists from Tel Aviv University’s Sackler School of Medicine and the Heart Institute of Sheba Medical Center using 56 healthy volunteers. Participants were divided into four groups – one

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Olive oil may help fight breast cancer

Spanish researchers say they have come closer to understanding how olive oil may help fight cancer. It is already thought that extra virgin olive oil, a key component of the Mediterranean diet, can help reduce people’s risk of developing cancer due to its abundance of polyphenols. In the new study, the scientists focused on testing

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