What’s In A Nutrition Label, Anyway?

To answer the titular question of this article: more than you might think. Reading labels is an important step in the purchase of food, beverages and dietary supplements. However, there is a significant gap between how much Americans think they read on nutrient labels and the amount of information they actually absorb. A study published

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Consumption of Vitamin D-Rich Foods Has Fallen Off In Past 30 Years

Do you know which foods naturally contain the most vitamin D? Bread or milk may be the first thing that comes to mind, but these foods are typically enriched with the nutrient, rather than naturally containing it. In fact, few foods are organic sources of vitamin D. If that weren’t discouraging enough, new research has

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Alcohol, Marijuana Use During Adolescence May Affect Cognitive Function

Alcohol and marijuana use during adolescence may lead to cognitive complications, according to findings published in the journal of Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. For the trial, researchers conducted a series of psychological exams on three groups – 19 teenagers with substance dependency, 14 with a family history of usage who don’t drink or smoke

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Why Your Prostate Reading Could Be WRONG

More than $62 billion a year is spent worldwide on over-the-counter painkillers, according to Psychological Science. Now scientists have discovered that popular nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)—such as aspirin and ibuprofen—may be dangerous for your prostate. These drugs can reduce blood levels of the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) marker doctors use to detect abnormal prostate cells. This

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Strawberries May Fight Oxidative Damage In Blood

Plenty of Americans consume strawberries as a way to get their daily dose of vitamin C, while others choose vitamin supplements for the same reason. Besides being loading with nutrients, these sweet fruits contain compounds that may act as antioxidants in the blood stream, researchers recently said. A study published in the journal Food Chemistry

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