Experts recommend energy-boosting strategies

Spring transition can be taxing on the body and lead to fatigue and sleep disturbances. However, simple natural remedies practitioners have recommended may alleviate such symptoms. A National Sleep Foundation poll found that 74 percent of American adults experience a sleeping problem a few nights a week or more, and it affects their day-to-day performance.

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Spring transition poses unique nutritional challenges

Early spring marks the height of the flu season but simple dietary adjustments can make a big difference, according to an integrative health expert. Dr. Claire Wheeler, instructor at Portland State University’s School of Community Health, says heathly diet is important during each season, but late winter is the time when the body is particularly

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Popularity Of Alternative Therapies Is Exploding

Taking dietary supplements and herbal supplements is something that thousands of Americans do every day as a part of an alternative approach to good health and wellness. Now, research conducted at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center indicates that certain complementary therapies are being suggested by healthcare professionals. A study published in the journal Archives

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Early Signs Of Alzheimer’s May Be More Recognized By Family, Friends

The early stages of Alzheimer’s disease may be better noticed by family members and friends than physicians, according to findings published in the journal Brain. When doctors conduct conventional trials on potential Alzheimer’s patients, these individuals are asked to perform tests that analyze their cognitive function. The Ascertain Dementia 8 (AD8) survey, which is the

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PCOS sufferers may benefit from acupuncture, exercise

According to a new study, exercise and electro-acupuncture can reduce sympathetic nerve activity in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and reduce the risk of developing metabolic disorders that frequently accompany the condition. The study conducted by Swedish scientists included 20 women who were divided into three groups – one receiving low-frequency electro-acupuncture, one engaging

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The Key to Acid/Alkaline Balance Is Your Diet!

According to the Journal of Longevity, declining health can be attributed to acid overload. This toxic condition can occur when your acid/alkaline balance is not maintained. The result of an acid system includes circulation problems, heart troubles, fatigue and low energy, premature aging, stiff joints, memory loss, lack of sex drive, constipation, bloating, breathing difficulties, skin

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Poor Pregnancy Diet May Hasten Aging For Offspring

Women who eat poorly during pregnancy don’t just do harm to themselves. According to new research, insufficient nutrition during gestation can put a child at a greater risk for type 2 diabetes later in life. The study, conducted at the University of Oxford, also found that the genetic effects of aging were more pronounced for

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