Is sex important for women’s overall well-being?

Australian researchers have found women who are sexually satisfied have overall better psychological well-being and vitality. Researchers surveyed women between the ages of 20 and 65 who identified themselves as either satisfied or unsatisfied with their sexual function. “We found that women who were sexually dissatisfied had lower well-being and lower vitality. This finding highlights

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Inhaled Corticosteroids May Depress Immunity In People With Asthma

Inhalers, the kind used by millions of Americans for treating asthma attacks, may come with an unexpected side effect. Newly published research suggests that this form of bronchial therapy may temporarily lower immunity in children. Pediatricians at the Universite de Montreal discovered this effect after giving asthmatic children and teens small, measured doses of antigens,

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Scientists Continue to Look into Kidney Abnormalities

Individuals may want to consider taking such as dandelion root and vitamin A for kidney function, even if they are not experiencing any problem symptoms. According to a new study published in the Clinical Journal of the American Society Nephrology, at least 25 percent of healthy individuals have kidney and blood vessel abnormalities without showing

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More Americans using alternative medicine

A newly released survey has found that Americans are turning to complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) practices more often. The National Health Interview Survey found that in 2007 CAM expenditures accounted for 11.2 percent of total out-of-pocket health care spending, with $33.9 billion dollars spent versus $286.6 billion on conventional medicine. CAM includes such procedures

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Vitamin D, Fish Oil Provide Multiple Health Benefits

may be a popular way for those who feel they don’t get enough nutrients in their dietary routine. reports that some dietary supplements offer multiple health benefits, including preventing individuals from developing certain diseases and cancers. The website reports that while vitamin D supplements help with bone health, they may also help prevent certain

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Heart failure, COPD patients may benefit from dietary supplements

The American Dietetic Association has published evidence-based nutrition guidelines for the treatment of heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Registered dietitians will advise doctors and patients about how to integrate the new practice with a view to improve the quality of care and quality of life of affected patients. For COPD patients it is

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