Vitamin D, Fish Oil Provide Multiple Health Benefits

Supplments may help those who don't get enough nutrients in their diet may be a popular way for those who feel they don’t get enough nutrients in their dietary routine. reports that some dietary supplements offer multiple health benefits, including preventing individuals from developing certain diseases and cancers.

The website reports that while vitamin D supplements help with bone health, they may also help prevent certain cancers, and previous studies suggest it may even ward off tuberculosis, diabetes and even the common cold.

Fish oil supplements continue to be reported for health benefits, including improving heart-related conditions. cites a study found in The Lancet that revealed there was a slightly lower rate of deaths and hospitalizations in heart failure patients who were taking a 1,000 milligram fish oil supplement daily.

The American Heart Association suggests taking the supplements for those who don’t enjoy eating seafood twice a week. The recommended dosage for those who are at a high risk for heart attack is 1,000 milligrams.

The article is quick to point out that while these natural supplements are beneficial to humans, the dosages may vary due to age, race and gender.ADNFCR-1960-ID-19453315-ADNFCR