Older Patients Less Likely to Receive Chemotherapy for Colon Cancer

Older individuals who are suffering from colon cancer may want to look into other health resources after they receive surgery, as a new study suggests that elderly patients are rarely treated with chemotherapy after their operations. According to findings published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, older patients are less likely to receive

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Finding may lead to lesser use of blood pressure medications

New research suggests those who suffer from hypertension may in fact have better control over their condition if they are treated with less medication. Scientists from the University of Western Ontario studied 2,104 people with high blood pressure and found the majority of recently-diagnosed patients might be better served starting with a half tablet of

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Red wine powder?

The benefits of moderate red wine consumption have been studied and touted for years. It’s been proven to improve cardiovascular health, fight cancer, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, and slow the aging process. Now, a group of European scientists have developed a red wine powder to be used in everything from food and drink to skin products

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Health E-Hint: Clobber Stress to Lower Your Cholesterol!

It’s no secret that stress can suppress your immune system—and leave you wide open to a variety of diseases. But studies show that the amount of stress you experience can even affect your cholesterol levels! Catherine Stoney, Ph.D., associate professor of psychology at Ohio State University, studied 127 airline pilots and 100 medical students. She

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Cleaning Your Plate Increases Your Risk Of Becoming Overweight!

Statistics show more than 61 percent of Americans are at least 30 pounds overweight. This can have an unhealthy effect on your blood pressure… your joints… your blood sugar levels… and your memory! And some folks’ bad habit of overeating—or eating until they’re full—can dramatically increase their risk of becoming obese! Most people would agree

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