Just How Serious is Your Painful Acid Reflux?

More than 100 million Americans suffer from the symptoms of occasional heartburn and stomach problems associated with eating dairy, fruits or spicy foods. And since acid-suppressing drugs rake in more than $17 billion a year in profits… you might be taking one of these prescription meds. The drugs, called proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), are intended

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Health E-Hint: Need Quick Pain Relief? Try This Magnetic Solution!

In various European and Asian countries, magnetic therapy has long been used to help heal broken bones and soft-tissue injuries. Some U.S. doctors have begun to pioneer its use in their practices. Studies show regular use of magnets can help ease arthritis pain… prevent heart disease… slow tumor growth… and even boost mental function in

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Scientists Say GPS Car Tracking Devices Can Help Diagnose Clogged Arteries – Issue 46

Dear Health-Conscious Friend, Whether or not you’re like me and like to keep up with news about the latest gadgets, it sure helps to keep abreast of new technologies that may impact your health. Well, in today’s edition of Health News Weekly™, I’ll share what scientists have discovered about how car GPS technology can be

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