Fast Weight Loss May Have Lasting Results

Fast weight loss may have lasting resultsA new study shows that rapid weight loss may prevent the weight from returning, according to findings in the International Journal of Behavioral Medicine.

About 260 women who were categorized as obese enrolled in the Treatment of Obesity in Underserved Rural Settings trial in which participants followed specific lifestyle requirements for six months. Among the requirements, the women had to consume a low calorie diet and dramatically increase their daily physical activity.

After the six months, the women continued the trial for a year and a half and were contacted twice per month through group sessions, telephone calls and newsletters. One month after the trial began, the participants were placed into three groups based on how fast they were able to lose weight – fast, moderate and slow.

The scientists discovered at the end of the study, those who experienced rapid weight loss had lost the most weight and were five times more likely to prevent regaining the weight compared to the slow group. Those in the moderate group were three times more likely to to reach this goal than the slow group.

The authors concluded that the study showed “losing weight at a fast initial rate leads to greater short-term weight reductions, does not result in increased susceptibility to weight regain, and is associated with larger weight losses and overall long-term success in weight management.”

According to American Obesity Association, approximately 34 percent of women in the U.S. aged 20 to 74 are considered obese.ADNFCR-1960-ID-19764722-ADNFCR