African-American Women Are Often Vitamin D-Deficient, Researchers Say

Statistics presented at the Third AACR Conference on the Science of Cancer Health Disparities revealed that black women often have lower vitamin D levels than white women. The authors of a study on the subject added that the participants’ vitamin D deficiencies were associated with an increased risk for breast tumors. Epidemiologists at the University

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The REAL reason you may be feeling too pooped to pop! – Issue 38

Dear Health-Conscious Friend, Does your energy sometimes run out before you’ve crossed the last item off your “To Do” list?Well, you’re definitely not alone. In fact, a new study shows you could be one of about 13 million American with an undiagnosed problem that could be zapping your energy… I’ll tell you what may be

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Health E-Hint: Nature’s Sweet Remedy for Lower Blood Pressure!

If you’re struggling to control your sodium intake and get your blood pressure under control—you’ll be amazed at some new research findings. A new animal study showed that grapes helped lower blood pressure and improve heart function—even though the animals ate a high-salt diet! Some lab rats ate a diet containing a powder made from

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