Health E-Hint: Discover the Healing Physical and Mental Powers of Massage Therapy!

Patients dealing with the late stages of terminal cancer may benefit from gentle massage therapy, according to a new study conducted by the University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine. Researchers studied 380 hospice patients suffering from advanced forms of cancer. Lead researcher Jean S. Kutner, M.D., and colleagues found that after two weeks of

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Grape seed extract may also boost oral health

Nutritional supplements containing grape seed extract are already known for their antioxidant properties, but could these attributes mean it can also help protect oral health? French researchers who tested the extract’s effectiveness at combating the bacteria that causes gum disease say that it has beneficial properties for helping people improve the health of their mouth

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Genetic link to psoriasis explored

Scientists say they are closer to understanding the genetic basis of psoriasis, which may enable them to develop further treatments of the skin condition. Findings published online in Nature Genetics reveal researchers at Washington University School of Medicine discovered seven genetic variants that seem to increase the risk of developing psoriasis. After identifying these variants,

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