Extra Body Fat Can Make Your Head Ache!

Recent scientific research has uncovered a new reason to shed excess pounds—besides wanting to lose your “love handles” or fit into your “skinny jeans”. The study concluded that being overweight or obese may increase your likelihood of having severe headaches and migraines! According to a Reuter’s Health report, Earl S. Ford, M.D., and colleagues at

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Yoga and meditation can relieve workplace stress, expert says

We all know work can be stressful, but according to a new study just 20 minutes of workplace meditation and yoga can reduce stress levels and potentially boost performance and productivity. The study was conducted by researchers from Ohio State University and used a modified version of what is known as mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR).

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Blueberry extract may help fight obesity and high blood sugar

Researchers are saying juice extract from North American lowbush blueberries biotransformed with bacteria from the skin of the fruit may become the latest natural health resource for people who are obese or diabetic. Canadian scientists tested the blueberry juice on mice prone to obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes and hypertension, and found that it reduced their

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Are College Students Eating Enough Produce? In A Word: No.

Vitamin supplements may improve health, even at university. Almost everyone is familiar with the way collegians eat. Once given access to 24-hour dining halls, many university students start eating loads of processed foods and starches, without paying much mind to fruits and vegetables. Don’t they? Do they ever, said a team of researchers from Oregon

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Women Experiencing Menopause May Not Get Enough Vitamin D

During menopause, a woman’s body undergoes profound hormonal changes, which can radically affect bone health and cardiac well-being. This phenomenon is one reason why health experts recommend that mature women take vitamin supplements containing calcium and vitamin D. As far as the latter nutrient is concerned, peri- and post-menopausal women often don’t get enough in

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