Kale-Like Vegetables Reduces Cancer Risk If Cooked Correctly, Study Says

The kale family – it’s healthy, it’s flavorful and, if cooked correctly, it may have cancer-fighting properties. So said a group of researchers from the University of Illinois, who recently published a study touting the health benefits of fresh or lightly steamed broccoli. According to the group, this and other vegetables are naturally rich in

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Sexual Function Problems Linked To Surviving Breast Cancer

Some women have reported experiencing sexual problems after surviving breast cancer, according to survey results published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. Those who completed the questionnaire explained their sexual experiences after approximately two years after they were diagnosed and had completed their chemotherapy treatment. According to the survey results, more than 80 percent of

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Concerns about cholesterol drugs and brain function

A scientist has raised concerns about the effect of cholesterol-lowering drugs on human brain function. Yeon-Kyun Shin of Iowa State University said that commonly prescribed statins may affect how the brain processes data and memories. He explained that statins work by preventing the liver from making cholesterol, but these medications also directly affect the production

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Fast Fact: Feeling Stressed?

Feeling stressed? Try rhodiola—an herb that is classified as an “adaptogen.” This means it can help normalize your body’s response to stress. After taking rhodiola for 10 weeks, UCLA study patients experienced a 50 percent reduction in symptoms such as worry, tension, fatigue and headaches. Other herbs in this mood-boosting group include ginseng and licorice.

Could Grape Seeds Prevent Your Worst Health Disasters?

For years, scientists have given two thumbs up to grape seed extract as a powerful disease fighter. Now, findings by the American Association for Cancer Research show it may be powerful enough to blast away leukemia cells! As its name implies, grape seed extract is pressed from the seeds of grapes. Laboratory studies have shown

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Metabolic Screenings May Prevent Diabetes During And After Pregnancy

Metabolic status prior to pregnancy may determine if a woman will develop type 2 diabetes after becoming pregnant, according to findings published in the American Journal Epidemiology. Researchers have previously found that gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) diagnoses during pregnancy can lead to type 2 diabetes after a woman’s child is born. In order to better

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