Estrogen dominance may increase risk of atherosclerosis

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University report that the naturally occurring sex hormones testosterone and estrogen may influence the risk and progression of artery hardening, which may explain why men are at increased risk in developing heart disease. The findings, presented at the American Heart Association’s annual Scientific Sessions in New Orleans, found that older women,

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Soy Consumption May Lead To Better Weight Loss Results In Post-Menopausal Women

Eating soy may improve weight loss in women who have already gone through menopause, according to findings presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior. Soy is a vegetable used to make milk, oil and other food products, and contains a variety of nutrients, including compounds similar to estrogen,

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Health E-Hint: Discover A Natural Alternative to Reduce Your Sodium Intake

You’ve heard plenty about the dangers of too much salt in your diet. But you might not know about some natural alternatives that are healthier for you. Unrefined natural sea salt is different from common table salt—which is chemically treated and stripped of minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium. Not only does natural sea

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Frequent Incense Use May Increase Cancer Risk!

Roz Roscoe Many folks use incense to freshen the air inside their homes. But a new study concluded that long-term use may increase your risk of developing respiratory tract cancers! Incense is made of plant materials mixed with oils. According to a statement from the American Cancer Society, burning it produces possible carcinogens—or cancer-causing particles.

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Fast Fact: Help lower blood pressure with this herbal tea…

An herbal tea containing hibiscus can help lower your blood pressure, according Tufts University in Boston. Study patients who drank hibiscus tea blends for six weeks lowered their systolic blood pressure—the top number—by an average of seven points. Overall, this can help you avoid the risk of stroke or heart attack. The good news is

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