Mediterranean diet seen to lower disease risk ‘dramatically’

People who eat a Mediterranean-style diet are able to significantly lower their risk of suffering from heart disease and stroke, new research confirms. According to findings published in the American Heart Association’s journal Circulation, an assessment of this diet’s effectiveness at cutting disease risk yielded “dramatic results.” As part of the study, researchers looked at

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Scientists Link Birth Defect To Enzyme Deficiency

Public health authorities often recommend that expecting mothers consume dietary supplements, particularly those containing vitamin B9, also known as folate. Now, a recent study has suggested that a similar nutrient, vitamin B2, may help reduce the risk of a rare birth defect. The report appeared in the journal human Proceedings of the National Academy of

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Health Experts List Five Worst Diets, Recommend Basic Nutrition

Diets short on fruits, vegetables, fiber or basic food groups may be unhealthy and even dangerous, according to the British Dietetic Association (BDA). As reported by Wales Online, the health authority has released its annual “Five Worst Diets” list. Topping the list was the Dukans diet, which involves eating large amounts of protein and, often, little else. The

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Soothe Your Aching Muscles with These All-Natural Remedies

If you are like millions of Americans who are constantly roused from a peaceful slumber with painful muscle cramps, backaches and stiff joints, then you know the agony these conditions can bring. Instead of turning to those toxic pills, creams and solutions that can do more harm than good, reach for a combination of these

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Health E-Hint: Listen Up! New Guidelines for Safely Eliminating Ear Wax

According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery Foundation (AAO-HNSF), more than 12 million folks visit the doctor for troubles associated with ear wax buildup. And the foundation has issued some guidelines of the best and worst ways to deal with the problem. Ear wax is a protective mixture of secretions from your

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Fish consumption linked to diabetic kidney health

Diabetics at risk for kidney disease should consider eating more fish, according to a new study. The study, which appears in November’s American Journal of Kidney Diseases, surveyed approximately 22,000 middle aged British people, 517 of whom were diabetic. Researchers determined that participants eating fish less than once a week were four times more likely

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