Teenage stress may impact adult health

Scientists are learning more about the negative impact of stress during teenage years on cardiovascular health in later life. UCLA researchers conducted a study of 69 healthy, normal adolescents who reported negative interpersonal interactions, such as conflicts with family and friends, peer harassment or punishment by parents or teachers. They found that greater frequency of

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This condition causes MORE liver damage than excess alcohol! – Issue 40

Dear Health-Conscious Friend, You probably know obesity is becoming an epidemic in the United States—and in other countries that adopt Western eating habits. But you might be surprised to learn what British researchers discovered about a new health threat associated with being overweight… Find out what it is—and what you can do to protect yourself

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Vitamin B May Prevent Brain From Shrinking, Dementia From Forming, Experts Say

Researchers in the UK have found that doses of vitamin B complex may slow the onset of mild cognitive impairment (MCI), an early sign of degenerative dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. In a clinical trial, scientists discovered that large amounts of vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid appeared to slow cerebral shrinkage and MCI, both of

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Tobacco, Alcohol Responsible for Colon Cancer Rates in Spain

Although rates of colon cancer have fallen significantly across the industrial world in recent decades, Spain has consistently defied this pattern. This has puzzled scientists who have taken to analyzing the reasons behind this situation. In a study, published earlier this year in the European Journal of Cancer Prevention, researchers from the University of Seville

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