Vitamin C Could Boost Cell Regeneration

While many people use the nutritional supplement vitamin C for it’s multiple health benefits, researchers have discovered that the nutrient can reprogram adult cells into embryonic-like stem cells. According to a new study published by Cell Press, vitamin C boosts the production of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), which offer a potential for regenerative medicine.

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Probiotics fights bad germs as well antiseptics

A type of “good” bacteria may be just as effective as preventing infections such as pneumonia in hospital patients as commonly used antiseptics, researchers suggest. Scientists have discovered that a probiotic called Lactobacillus plantarum 299 was as effective in eliminating dangerous germs as antiseptic chlorhexidine and may help prevent upper respiratory problems like ventilator-associated pneumonia

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Moderate drinking may ward off disabilities

Healthy seniors who drink a light or moderate amount of alcohol may be improving their chances of avoiding physical disabilities, a new study suggests. Dr. Arun Karlamangla and colleagues at UCLA classified participants into three groups: heavy drinkers, light to moderate drinkers and abstainers. They found that those who consumed fewer than 15 drinks per

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Exercise May Be Beneficial to Prostate Cancer Patients

Researchers have discovered that exercising at least 15 minutes a day may help reduce the fatality risk for prostate cancer patients. The study was presented at the American Association for Cancer Research Frontiers in Cancer Prevention research conference, and scientists indicated that moderate levels of exercise can offer benefits to those fighting the disease. Prostate

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Broccoli sprouts believed to promote digestive health

Broccoli sprouts may prevent stomach cancer by eliminating Helicobacter Pylori, a leading cause of stomach ulcers and other serious conditions. Based on a study of 48 Helicobacter-infected Japanese who were randomly assigned 70 grams of fresh broccoli sprouts daily for eight weeks, researchers confirmed what they long suspected, namely that the phytochemical sulforaphane found in

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